TasNetworks published its Business Case Assessment Report (BCA) for Marinus Link and supporting North West Tasmania transmission developments.
TasNetworks’ analysis shows that Marinus Link and the supporting transmission developments will support Australia’s transition to a low emissions future by delivering the low cost, reliable, and clean energy that customers expect. The investment will provide additional dispatchable capacity to a transforming National Electricity Market (NEM).
Project Marinus (assessing the feasibility and business case for Marinus Link and supporting transmission developments) commenced in 2017 with $20 million in funding from the Tasmanian Government through TasNetworks and the Australian Government through the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA). The feasibility and business case assessment phase concluded with the release of the Business Case Assessment Report in December 2019.
The Business Case for Marinus Link is positive and demonstrates that work should continue into the ‘Design and Approvals’ phase, to deliver a ‘shovel ready’ Marinus Link project in time to meet the needs of a National Electricity Market as it undergoes significant transition to a low emissions future.
TasNetworks is grateful for ARENA’s funding support in developing the Business Case Assessment for Marinus Link, and looks forward to implementing the Reports recommendations as the Project moves on to the ‘Design and Approvals phase’ in 2020, assisted by an additional funding grant of $56 million from the Australian Government.

The Business Case Assessment and supporting documents including a summary document and fact sheet can be downloaded as a PDF by clicking on the links below.
- Project-Marinus-Fact-Sheet
- Project Marinus Business Case Assessment Summary
- Project Marinus Business Case Assessment Report
- The Economic Contribution of Marinus Link Supporting Transmission